* Adoption 입양

A general adopted child retains both the status of a biological child with their biological parents and the status of an adopted child with their adoptive parents. The relationship with the biological parents continues, except for parental rights, so the child retains the surname and family name of the biological parents even after adoption.

In a full adoption (친양자제도), once the adoption is finalized, the adopted child becomes a full and equal member of the adoptive family, just like a biological child. This type of adoption is established through a court proceeding, and once the judgment is finalized, the child is considered to have been born to the adoptive parents during their marriage. The child, therefore, takes on the surname and family name of the adoptive parents, and the legal relationship with the biological parents is completely severed.

※We help adoption proceedings but In the case of the adoption of children in need of protection(orphans), the adoption is facilitated through an adoption agency. Therefore, please contact agencies such as Holt or other adoption organizations if you are in such a situation.